Save / SaveGame (100% completion, without a single death, arrest, with unique vehicles and weapons)

  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City — Save / SaveGame (100% completion, without a single death, arrest, with unique vehicles and weapons)
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City — Save / SaveGame (100% completion, without a single death, arrest, with unique vehicles and weapons)
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City — Save / SaveGame (100% completion, without a single death, arrest, with unique vehicles and weapons)
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City — Save / SaveGame (100% completion, without a single death, arrest, with unique vehicles and weapons)
  • 1517113074_100_prohogdenie_sobran_unikalniy_transport_i_orujie.rar
    Archive password: vgtimes
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Author: VРµndРµttР°
Size: 5.07 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: January 28, 2018, 07:17 AM
Downloads: 493

Hello everyone, I hope someone else is playing this wonderful game.

If yes, then here is my save


Game completed 100%

Completed all mini-missions: taxi, fireman, vigilante, etc.

There is not a single arrest and not a single hospitalization

All houses, clubs, etc. were purchased.

Almost all the unique and rare transport has been collected, which is listed here: ""

Two unique weapons are available:

Gas grenades (Which are located at the airport) and a camera (Which was in one of the missions at the film studio)

Copy the Save files to the GTA Vice City User Files folder and play.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение / SaveGame (100% прохождение, без единой смерти, ареста, с уникальным транспортом и оружием)

Всем привет, надеюсь что кто нибудь еще играет в эту прекрасную игру.

Если да, то вот вам, мой, сейв


Игра пройдена на 100%  

Пройдены все мини-миси: такси, пожарник, виджиланте, и т. д. 

Нет ни единого ареста и ни одной госпитализации

Куплены все дома, клубы, и т.д.

Собран, почти, весь уникальный и редкий транспот, который перечислен вот здесь: " "

Доступно два уникальных оружия:

Газвые гранаты (Которые находятса в аэропорту) и фотокамера (Что была в одной из мисии на киностудии)

Скопируйте Save-файлы в папку GTA Vice City User Files и играйте.

Useful links:

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