Preservation (Warrior, level 19, all rare types of armor and weapons)

  • GreedFall — Preservation (Warrior, level 19, all rare types of armor and weapons)
  • GreedFall — Preservation (Warrior, level 19, all rare types of armor and weapons)
  • GreedFall — Preservation (Warrior, level 19, all rare types of armor and weapons)
  • GreedFall — Preservation (Warrior, level 19, all rare types of armor and weapons)
Author: TSlover
Size: 1.23 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: June 6, 2020, 03:13 PM
Downloads: 301


Warrior Level 19

The chest contains rare types of armor and weapons.

The very beginning of the game, after arriving on Tirfradi, almost no main and side quests were completed, I mostly explored the locations, 60% of the island was explored.

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Сохранение (Воин, 19 уровень, все редкие виды брони и оружия)


Воин 19 Уровень

В сундуке сложены редкие виды брони и оружия.

Самое начало игры, после прибытия на Тирфради практически никаких основных и побочных квестов не пройдено, в основном гг исследовала локации, 60% острова исследовано.

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