
The Operator. Good evening, Agent 47. Your destination is Gama Hospital in Hokkaido, Japan. Your target is Dr. Christopher Trenenstein, the lead surgeon currently involved in the three-day operation. However, underneath his sweet exterior, he is a gr ...
Mission - client

The Customer. Your destination is Mumbai, India, one of the most populous cities in the world. Your target is Jyotis Pooja Andromeda, a harmless looking woman living in Mumbai unless she is near a shop that can be terrorized. Our client is Cynthia Sh ...
Quest - Shameshifters

The Shameshifters. Good afternoon, Agent 47. Your destination is a well-hidden militia training camp in Colorado, USA. Your targets are Archibald Colt, an ex-convict with a history of violence, and Darius Wainwright, a confirmed sex offender and murd ...