The game takes place in a cyberpunk setting. In the story, cargo delivery girl Mika is stuck in the exclusion zone, where inexplicable horror is happening. The girl... Read more
Text Russifier - machine translation
rusifikator-teksta-mashinnyjj-perevod_1728348633_118431.zipDownload 15.33 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Version and date of translation: 1.0 from 09/17/24.
Game version to install: 1.61 [Steam/GOG].
Machine translation, there are some shortcomings, but overall it’s playable. Suitable for Steam and GOG version.
The file name and description have been translated Show original
(RU)Show translation
Русификатор текста - машинный перевод
Версия и дата перевода: 1.0 от 17.09.24.
Версия игры для установки: 1.61 [Steam/GOG].
Машинный перевод, есть недочёты, но в целом играбельно. Подходит для Steam и GOG-версии.
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