Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition
Complete Edition Horizon Zero Dawn, which includes the original game and the expansion The Frozen Wilds. You will have to immerse yourself in a world where you... Read more
Disable fall damage

Remove Fall Damage. Removes all fall damage. This mod removes the effect of gravity on Aloy. This in turn affects the Overhead Smash ability. If you are trying to get the achievement for this skill, be sure to uninstall the mod until you get the achi ...
Improved coils

Incarn's Enhanced Coils. All reels will drop with 3 modifiers, and all modifiers will be 5 times more effective. Installation: Drag the file into the Horizon Zero Dawn/Packed_DX12 folder.
The best inventory and ammunition

Better Inventory and Ammo Capacity. I noticed that all mods for changing inventory and ammo are outdated. This mod increases the capacity of all weapon ammunition, as well as all backpacks, works with the latest version of the game. If you start a ne ...
More rare loot

Better Quality Drops. This mod increases the quality of item drops for animals, cars and all DLC content. This mod increases the drop rate of uncommon and rare items from animals, vehicles, and all DLC content by approximately 60% (including mod drop ...