Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition
Complete Edition Horizon Zero Dawn, which includes the original game and the expansion The Frozen Wilds. You will have to immerse yourself in a world where you... Read more
Aloy in a sky top

This outfit replaces the Brave Burrow outfit. New additional pant colors are available. How to run: just drag and drop all the contents into the dx12 folder.
Aloy dressed as a prostitute

Aloy in transparent leggings and a short top.
Aloy dressed as Elsa Walker

Aloy In Elza Walker suit. Costume from the game RESIDENT EVIL 2 REMAKE. I really like this costume, so I transferred it to this game, this was my 2nd experience of modding and in fact the mod is still a little damp, but I will definitely finish it so ...
Aloy in a bikini

Aloy Bikini. Replace Aloy's standard outfit with a bikini. Unzip the 7z file and copy and paste all the .bin files into the Packed_DX12 folder in the Horizon Zero Dawn directory (example: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Horizon Zero Dawn) To set ad ...