New colors for power plants

  • Jurassic World Evolution — New colors for power plants
Author: Demansia_Boarkroc
Size: 77.60 MB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: September 5, 2021, 06:18 AM
Downloads: 86

JP textures for JW Power Plants.

Replaces the blue texture of all three JW era power plants with the matching red and green JP ones.


Replace the three files located in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Jurassic World Evolution/Win64/ovldata/Content0/Buildings/SharedComponents/BLDG_Walls_Shared with the files in the archive.

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JP textures for JW Power Plants.

Заменяет синюю текстуру всех трех электростанций эпохи JW на подходящую красную и зеленую JP.


Замените три файла, расположенные в C: / Program Files (x86) / Steam / steamapps / common / Jurassic World Evolution / Win64 / ovldata / Content0 / Buildings / SharedComponents / BLDG_Walls_Shared, на файлы в архиве.

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