New rifle sounds (weapon sound modifications)

  • Jurassic World Evolution — New rifle sounds (weapon sound modifications)
Author: Mecha
Size: 3.30 MB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: March 20, 2022, 06:34 AM
Downloads: 284

New Rifle Sounds (Gun Sound Mods).

Replaces the default tranquilizer rifle sounds with 6 additional options!

With sounds from:

- Carnivores Dinosaur Hunter!

- Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis!

- And Team Fortress 2!

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Новые звуки винтовок (модификации звука оружия)

New Rifle Sounds (Gun Sound Mods).

Заменяет звуки транквилизатора винтовки по умолчанию на 6 дополнительных вариантов!

Со звуками из:

- Carnivores Dinosaur Hunter!

- Парк Юрского периода: операция генезис!

- И Team Fortress 2!

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