Realish Wounds

  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 — Realish Wounds
Author: Actalo
Size: 774 байт
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: March 19, 2025, 01:52 PM
Downloads: 7

In the original version of the game, wounds and bleeding are an "inconsequential element." This mod makes injuries or wounds matter, both during a fight and after. As a consequence of this mod, fights will end much quicker since the mod affects NPCs as well. Enemies often surrender when wounded and bleeding. However, without bandages, they quickly bleed out. This mod makes combat easier. Whoever starts bleeding first is likely to lose the fight. This is a PTF mod, so it should work with everything that doesn't affect wounds and bleeding in rpg_param.

This mod does 4 things:

  • Body parts receiving more than 25% damage become wounded (injury);
  • Body parts more than 35% wounded bleed;
  • Bleeding now results in a loss of 2HP every 2 seconds;
  • Wounds or injuries heal 50% slower.

How to launch:

  • Unpack to this path \KingdomComeDeliverance2\Mods.

Useful links:

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