Remaster with a set of HD textures

  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver — Remaster with a set of HD textures
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver — Remaster with a set of HD textures
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver — Remaster with a set of HD textures
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver — Remaster with a set of HD textures
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver — Remaster with a set of HD textures
    Archive password: vgtimes
Author: RainaAudron
Size: 1024.00 MB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: August 31, 2020, 03:44 PM
Downloads: 1164

Recently, a modder with the nickname RainaAudron released a remaster of the original Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver in the form of a modification with a set of HD textures.

The modder removed the blurriness of the background and some in-game objects. The mod is intended for the Dreamcast version of Soul Reaver. According to RainaAudron, Soul Reaver looks better on the Dreamcast than on PC or PS One. This is especially true for the polygonal models of Raziel (the main character) and his enemies.

To run the remaster, the author recommends using a Dreamcast emulator called Flycast.

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Ремастер с набором HD-текстур

Недавно моддер с ником RainaAudron выпустил ремастер оригинальной Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver в виде модификации с набором HD-текстур.

Моддер убрал замыленность фона и некоторых внутриигровых объектов. Мод предназначается для Dreamcast-версии Soul Reaver. По словам RainaAudron, на Dreamcast Soul Reaver выглядит красивее, нежели на PC или PS One. Особенно это касается полигональности моделей Разиэля (главный герой) и его врагов.

Для запуска ремастера автор рекомендует использовать эмулятор Dreamcast под названием Flycast.

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