Skin pack

Max's LMSH Skins (TexMod). Collection of original skin replacements for LMSH1. All these skins must be downloaded via Texmod. The files currently include: Iron Venom - V1.2 - Venom (2018) — V2 - Iron Man Mark 47 - V1 - Venom (Spider-Man 3) - V1.1 ...
Spider-Man (What If?)

Spider-man (What If) (Texmod). Makes Spider-Man look like the comic book version of What If? Installation: 1. Download Texmod. 2. Download Lego Marvel CMM. 3. Download the mod. 5. Use the recommendations in the CMM readme.txt to install the CMM ch ...
Miles Morales

Spider-Man Miles T.R.A.C.K Suit (Texmod). Makes Spider-Man look like Miles Morales' Spider-Man in TRACK Suit for PS5. This mod doesn't actually add a new character, it just changes the texture. Installation: 1. Download Texmod. 2. Download Lego Ma ...