Life is Feudal: Forest Village
Life is Feudal: Forest Village is a real-time management strategy game that takes you into the dark and brutal medieval era of the Life is Feudal world. You have to... Read more
Trainer (+8) [Update: 10/21/16] [FLiNG]
1501784414_life.rarDownload 427.95 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Edition: Steam
Game Version: update 10/21/16
Trainer Language: English
Number of Functions: 8
Trainer Creation Date: 10/22/2016
Hotkeys and trainer capabilities:
- NUM 1:Villagers No Hunger - the villagers are not hungry
- NUM 2:Keep Villagers Warm - keep the villagers warm
- NUM 3:All Villagers Educated - all residents are educated
- NUM 4:Villagers Will Not Get Sick - residents don't get sick
- NUM 5:Villagers Instant Grow Up (Teen) - rapid growth of a resident (youth)
- NUM 6:Villagers Instant Grow Up (Adult) - rapid growth of a resident (adult)
- NUM 7:Ideal Temperature - ideal temperature
- NUM 8:Resources Don't Decrease - resources do not decrease
- NUM 9:Warehouses No Capacity Limit - there is no limit in the warehouse
- Home: Disable All - disable everything
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Трейнер / Trainer (+8) [Update: 21.10.16] [FLiNG]
Издание: Steam
Версия Игры: update 21.10.16
Язык Трейнера: Английский
Количество Функций: 8
Дата Создания Трейнера: 22.10.2016
Горячие клавиши и возможности трейнера:
- NUM 1:Villagers No Hunger — жители не голодны
- NUM 2:Keep Villagers Warm — держите жителей согретыми
- NUM 3:All Villagers Educated — все жители образованные
- NUM 4:Villagers Will Not Get Sick - жители не болеют
- NUM 5:Villagers Instant Grow Up (Teen) - быстрый рост жителя (юноша)
- NUM 6:Villagers Instant Grow Up (Adult) — быстрый рост жителя (взрослый)
- NUM 7:Ideal Temperature — идеальная температура
- NUM 8:Resources Don't Decrease — ресурсы не уменьшаются
- NUM 9:Warehouses No Capacity Limit — нет лимита в складу
- Home: Disable All — отключить все
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