Life is Strange
Life is Strange is an episodic adventure from developers Dontnod Entertainment. The game takes place in the fictional city of Arcadia Bay, Oregon, USA. The heroine... Read more
Save / SaveGame (Completed 3 episodes, good ending)
1491685866_saves.rarDownload 26.43 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Rescued Kate expelled Nathan fed the rabbit rescued Frank's dog
P.S overall good ending
The file name and description have been translated Show original
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Сохранение / SaveGame (Пройдено 3 эпизода, хорошая концовка)
Спас Кейт отчислил Нэйтана покормил кролика спас собаку Фрэнка
P.S в общем хорошая концовка
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