Lords of the Fallen
The game takes place more than a thousand years after the events described in Lords of the Fallen 2014 2014. The plot tells the story of a crusader who is sent to... Read more
Text Russifier for the PC version (machine from Ukrainian)

Russification of the text of the PC version of Lords of the Fallen. Authors of the translation: ZoG Forum Team Arklight Change history: Version 1.04 from 10/15/23 Errors in the text have been corrected A visual selection of fonts has bee ...
Russifier (text) for the PC version (machine from Ukrainian)

Change history: Version 1.02 from 10/14/23 Errors in the interface have been fixed; Errors in descriptions have been corrected. Version 1.01 from 10/13/23 Errors in the interface have been fixed; Added a warning about the need to selec ...