Games Mad Max No rating All reviews

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Are you waiting for Fallout 4, but can't wait to meet the post-apocalyptic world? This game is for you! Mad Max.

Graphics. Beautiful graphics, excellent optimization and all this is pleasing to the eye. On the GTX 660, 2gb of memory runs great on ultra graphics (50 fps). There is a small drawback: Shadows sometimes do not fit correctly, but with updates, I hope they will fix it. 10\\10.

Gameplay. Everything is like in standard shooters, but the implementation of something unusual... New... Yes! Undoubtedly! How wonderful it is to play on cars. Everything is very convenient. Great job from the developers. There is a downside: hold down the buttons to use. In some situations this is annoying. 9\\10

Music. Not bad, but could be better. I especially liked the opening video. Beauty. Inspired me to… Read full

Let me spit in the face of the one who called MGS5 a stupid jerk. Mad Max is perhaps one of the most obvious representatives of his species.

Yes, the game has quite pleasant car battles and even fist fights evoke aesthetic pleasure from the realism of movements, as well as the juicy explosions of cars after accidents. It’s a pleasure to play Max and this is his main advantage. And yet, what’s wrong? YES, as the game progresses, you may suddenly be prohibited from moving forward until you buy new parts for the car or improve your relationship with the leader of the territory. How to improve relationships? Clear bases, destroy towers, destroy squadrons... i.e. complete typical yubisovt tasks to progress through the main story. The game forces you to jerk off and literally says that this is t… Read full