Save - Achievement Sharpie
Save to get the "Rounder" achievement. After downloading the file and logging into the game, download any chapter (3 is most convenient) and follow the assignment to the port. Follow the screenshot and pick up the last poster. Before installing a sa ...
Mafia II - Save - Game completed 100%

I recommend reading: 1).Before you complain that your save doesn’t work, check whether you put the save in the correct folder. 2).In each chapter of the main plot, I tried to get the maximum out of it. For example, as soon as there was an opportu ...
Game completed 100 percent
Save for Mafia 2. This mod adds a save in which the game is completed 100 percent. Installation in the saves folder.
Save (Game completed 100%)
In this save: The game was completed 100% on a high difficulty level. All Playboy magazines collected (including the Joes Adventure DLC). All wanted posters and paintings have been collected. DLC "Joes Adventure", "Jimmy's Vendetta" and "Bet ...
Mafia 2: Save (completed the entire story) [PS3/EU] [SaveMyGame]
Saving characteristic The story is 100% completed. 70% completed the game. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Place the PS3 folder on the flash drive and connect it to the console. 2. From the Game menu, select Manage Saved Data, then USB Device. 3. Sele ...
Save / SaveGame (Mega Save for the story and DLC "Friends for life")
Special save:1) Completed the entire game, you can select chapters.2) DLC "Friends for Life" saved. Saving "Friends for Life": 1) $2500 available. 2) Save in Greenfield = Villa Scaletta 3) Partners: Joe, Henry, Eddie. 4) The car from the mansion ...
Save / SaveGame (Game and all DLC completed 100% on high difficulty)
Details: Completed the story 100% on high difficulty. DLC "Joes Adventure" completed 100% on high difficulty. DLC "Jimmy's Vendetta" completed 100% on hard difficulty. DLC "Betrayal of Jimmy" completed 100% on high difficulty. Collected 50/50 Playbo ...
Save / SaveGame (All missions for Gold)
All missions completed with gold! All Playboy posters have been found except the wanted posters! Drop Local Disk C/Users/Your Account/App Data/Local
Save / SaveGame (Play completed 100%, all PlayBoy magazines and wanted posters + Completed all DLC on high difficulty)
Game progress 100% Completed all missions on high difficulty! All PlayBoy magazines and all wanted posters are unlocked. Path: Copy the Mafia II folder here: C:\Users\Your_UserName\AppData\Local\2K Games The AppData folder is hidden. Therefore, ...
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%)
Completed the game 100% on easy mode. All posters and magazines have been collected. Save path: C:\Users\-=YOUR_NAME=-\AppData\Local\2K Games\ Attention! This is a save from the STEAM version of REGULAR Mafia 2 with 4 additions of cars (Mafia II D ...