Mafia 3: Definitive Edition is a re-release of the popular action adventure game Mafia 3 in HD resolution with all updates and additions. The events... Read more
ESP // Activate ESP
--Enable ESP and press your 'Intel' key
--Underneath will be a toggle flag that you can hotkey to manually remove ESP
-- toggle flag can be large (e.g 960513) or small (e.g 1), it doesn’t really matter since the lower byte is being modified. all you need to know is 0==Off/1==On
--If you want to disable ESP, simply disable and aim with a gun
Free Shop Items // Free Shopping
God mode // Immortality
Infinite Ammo Clip // No Cooldown
Infinite Ammo Total // Infinite. Ammo
Infinite Slow-Motion // Infinite. Slowdown
Make All Entities Static (new) // Freeze All Objects
--cars crash into each other, all entities appear to freeze, and other weirdness
No Detection // Invisibility
No Recoil // No Recoil
No Spread // Max. Accuracy
Position // Save Position
--Underneath that script contains the player position along with way-point positions.
--By default, way-point position is set to 'Sammy's Bar'
--Make sure to enable God-Mode before teleporting to avoid fall-damage.
Rapid Fire // Rapid Fire
Set Medkits to Ten // 10 First Aid Kits
Static Entities // Freeze Certain Objects
- Invisibility? i just thought it was interesting so I added it
-- can conflict with 'Infinite Ammo Total'
Camera // Ed. Cameras
Adrenaline // Adrenaline
Electronics // Electronics
Money // Money
Startup process:
1. Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table
2. "Select a process to open", select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option and check the box.
ESP // Активация ESP
--Enable ESP and press your 'Intel' key
--Underneath will be a toggle flag that you can hotkey to manually remove ESP
-- toggle flag can be large (e.g 960513) or small (e.g 1), it doesnt really matter since the lower byte is being modified. all you need to know is 0==Off/1==On
--If you want to disable ESP, simply disable and aim with a gun
Free Shop Items // Бесплатные Покупки
God mode // Бессмертие
Infinite Ammo Clip // Без Перезарядки
Infinite Ammo Total // Беск. Патроны
Infinite Slow-Motion // Беск. Замедление
Make All Entities Static (new) // Заморозить Все Объекты
--cars crash into each other, all entities appear to freeze, and other weirdness
No Detection // Невидимость
No Recoil // Без Отдачи
No Spread // Макс. Точность
Position // Сохранение Позиции
--Underneath that script contains the player position along with way-point positions.
--By default, way-point position is set to 'Sammy's Bar'
--Make sure to enable God-Mode before teleporting to avoid fall-damage.
Rapid Fire // Скорострельный Огонь
Set Medkits to Ten // 10 Аптечек
Static Entities // Заморозить Определённые Объекты
-- Invisibility? i just thought it was interesting so I added it
-- can conflict with 'Infinite Ammo Total'
Camera // Ред. Камеры
Adrenaline // Адреналин
Electronics // Электроника
Money // Деньги
Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
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