Games Magicka 3 All reviews

Your review and ratings for Magicka 3

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The review was written while the game was still in development.

I played and completed part 1 (with my brother) and played part 2. The difference between parts 1 and 2 was small, and it was in favor of part 2, so I think part 3 will also be a great success. We often sit and look for something to get into in a cooperative, and Magica usually comes to mind first.

In part 3 I want even more humor and even more cruelty) The peculiarly serious plot always seemed to me like a kind of sarcasm or even irony, so it would be nice to leave it.

And this thought runs through, in part 2 they added all sorts of crap... cough, cough, jokes, like “graphics that hurt the eyes” or “off-screen laughter”, so, it would be cool to change skins for some famous characters, which are somehow related to magic, like Harry Potter (the first thing that came to mind).

In any case, I’m … Read full