Manor Lords
A medieval city-planning strategy in which many of the buildings in the game are inspired by real prototypes of European buildings of the 11th-15th centuries. There... Read more

Replacement for the player character in third person mode. The mod does not affect saving the game. How to run: unpack to this path ManorLords/Content/Paks/mods.
Henry from the game Kingdom Come Deliverance

Playing as Henry of Skalitz (Kingdom Come Deliverance) in visit mode. How to run: unpack to this path ManorLords/Content/Paks.
2B from the game Nier Automata

Replacing the player character in third person mode. The snow effect is applied to clothes and hair in the winter season. How to run: unpack this path ManorLords/Content/Paks.
Geralt from the game The Witcher 3

Replaces the player character in third person mode. The effect of snow is applied to clothes and hair in the winter season. How to run: unpack this path ManorLords/Content/Paks.
Yorha 2B

The modification adds YoRHa No.2 Type B from the game NieR: Automata. Replaces the original character in third-person mode. In the winter season, the effect of snowflakes is applied to clothes and hair. Installation path: ManorLords/Content/Paks.
BunnyGirl - bunny girl

The modification adds a new character to the game - a bunny girl from the popular anime, who replaced the original character from the game. Installation path: Manor Lords/ManorLords/Content/Paks/~mods.