Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take on the role of... Read more
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales News
The latest news and rumors about Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales for today and 2025. Here you will find all the news about Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales updates, learn the release date for PC, when the game will be available on other platforms, and other announcements. We will also write about the system requirements of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales for PC, about pirate cracks, and the appearance of the game on torrents, where it can be downloaded for free.
Rumor: Marvel's Spider-Man generated $3.8 billion in revenue for Sony
Recently, information was discovered on the LinkedIn profile of former PlayStation Global Marketing Manager Kevin K. indicating that Marvel's Spider-Man generated approximately $3.8 billion in revenue for Sony. The sales exceed 20 million copies.
December 2, 2024
120 FPS in RE Village and 8K in Gran Turismo 7: Developers Reveal Key Improvements for PS5 Pro
The official PlayStation blog has revealed many details about the performance of the PlayStation 5 Pro. Several major studios have shared how they utilized the power of the new system.
September 25, 2024