Games Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Files Savegames Save / SaveGame (Game completed 85%) [Tablet ALI213]
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 85%) [Tablet ALI213]
1498511560_1498511560_gamedata.zipDownload 79.29 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Some tasks with slaves and hunting have not been completed. All abilities have been upgraded, Everything for Mirians has been improved (Except for the storm of Urfael, it has been replaced by the corresponding rune) Not bad legendary runes. In the Sea of Nurnen, all the leaders and half of the captains are subordinated. In Udun, almost everyone is killed.
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Сохранение / SaveGame (Игра пройдена на 85%) [Таблетка ALI213]
Не пройдены некоторые задания с рабами и охотой.Все способности прокачаны,Все за мирианы улучшено(Кроме бури Урфаэля,она заменена сотвествуещей руной)Неплохие легендарные руны.В Море Нурнен подчинены все вожди и половина капитанов.В Удуне почти все убиты.
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