Game save at 26.3%
I don’t understand the point of the proposed saves with a completely completed game. Someone has already won everything for you, and then what remains? Just restlessly wandering around the game space without meaning or purpose - what's the fun? In ...
Saving [Steam License]
Main game Completed the main game Lots of currency All towers are forged all abilities are upgraded completed all tasks to save outcasts Legends of the bow are all completed The legends of the dagger are all completed Survival tests passed All item ...
Save (Game completed 100%, maximum Talion upgrade, runes, encyclopedia)
The game is 100% completed. The character is pumped to the maximum. Completed all additional quests. All runes have been collected. The encyclopedia contains information about all creatures in the game.
Preservation (100% Story and DLC / All Legendary Runes)
100%. All legendaries and skills. Everything is collected and completed. Path: Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition\x64\Profile\ALI213\Saves
Save (Half of the game completed, almost all legendaries)
Almost all legendary runes, level 29-30 runes for about half of the game
Save (Game completed 100%)
The game is completed 100%. The storyline and additional tasks are completed completely. Talion is fully upgraded.
Save / SaveGame (Completed the main story, everything has been upgraded, the entire map is open)
The main plot is completed completely everything is upgraded, all cards are open additional tasks not completed Throw off *folder-ShadowOfMordor-/x64/-profile/-ALI213/-Saves/
Save / SaveGame (Storyline completed 100%)
The storyline is 100% completed.
Save / SaveGame (Storyline completed 25%)
The main plot has not been completed completely. The game is 25% complete.
Save / SaveGame (Storyline completed 70%)
Completed 13 out of 20 main story missions. All Itildin and artifacts have been collected. There are about 30 side quests left.
Save / SaveGame (Game Completed 94%)
The game is 94% completed, the storyline is completed completely, only 3 rogue missions and a hunter mission remain. The remaining tasks to kill captains or leaders are generated themselves, so you will not be able to complete them completely. I wish ...
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 85%) [Tablet ALI213]
Some tasks with slaves and hunting have not been completed. All abilities have been upgraded, Everything for Mirians has been improved (Except for the storm of Urfael, it has been replaced by the corresponding rune) Not bad legendary runes. In the Se ...
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%: Plot + quests)
The game is completed 100%. The storyline and additional tasks are completed completely.
Save / SaveGame (Everything is collected, the storyline is not touched, the tasks are not completed, the hero is pumped up to 100%)
a complete meat grinder and nothing superfluous, chop according to the plot as you want!(update 2) To find save in the search we are looking for the folder - 241930 ! Good luck!
Save / SaveGame (Everything is completed, everything is collected)
Save for those who did not receive any achievements in the game related to killing Uruks. Everything has been completed, everything has been collected. The character is fully upgraded. Good game :)