Save / SaveGame (Completed the entire first map, the hero and weapons are fully upgraded)

  • Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor — Save / SaveGame (Completed the entire first map, the hero and weapons are fully upgraded)
    Archive password: vgtimes
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Author: ruhaeva
Size: 66.67 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: June 26, 2017, 12:08 AM
Downloads: 463

Hi all! I want to share my save (pirate) - I completed the entire first map, in the second I completed missions (not plot ones) just for the sake of runes, the hero was pumped up, the weapon had all the notches, the bow didn’t swing (it’s not for everyone), and most importantly, Urfael and Acharn were reforged!!

I hope you like it!

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Сохранение / SaveGame (Пройдена вся первая карта, герой и оружие полностью прокачаны)

всем привет! хочу поделиться моим сэйвом(пиратка) -- пройдена первая карта вся, во второй только ради рун проходил миссии (не сюжетные) герой прокачан, оружие со всеми выемками, лук не качал (на любителя) ну и самое главное Урфаэль и Ахарн перекованы!!

надеюсь понравится!

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