Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [3DMGAME]

  • Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor — Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [3DMGAME]
Author: Венедикт Митишов
Size: 96.05 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: June 26, 2017, 12:09 AM
Downloads: 284

The plot has been completed 100%, Talion has been fully upgraded, all runes have been collected (one of each simple and rare), all weapon legends have been completed, all Ithildin have been collected, all Forge Towers have been restored, all collections (herbs, stories, memories, EVERYTHING COMPLETED AND FOUND ), there are 2 Leaders branded in Udun - the Stone Crusher and the Pathfinder Killer, in Nurn there is one Leader (I think his skin, but you will like the previous two)

DLC Great Hunt completed 100% (not all runes were collected, all Torvin's notes were found)

DLC Light Lord is 20% completed (there is little point in going through it to the end because at the end you can’t play it in free mode, I think those who played will understand why), but for those who play for the first time, of course, it is recommended to clarify the story of the Phantom.

In light of the recent announcement of a sequel (Shadow of War), I think it will be on topic.

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Сохранение / SaveGame (Игра пройдена на 100%) [3DMGAME]

Сюжет пройден на 100%, Талион прокачан полностью, собраны все руны( по одной из простых и редких), все легенды оружия пройдены, собраны все Итильдины, все Башни-Кузницы восстановлены, все коллекции(травы, истории, воспоминания, ВСЁ ПРОЙДЕНО И НАЙДЕНО), заклеймены в Удуне 2 Вождя — Сокрушитель Камня и Убийца Следопытов, в Нурне один Вождь (думаю его скин, да двух предыдущих вам понравятся)

DLC Великая Охота пройден на 100%( собраны не все руны, найдены все записи Торвина)

DLC Светлый Властелин пройден на 20%( смысла проходить до конца его мало т.к. в конце в него нельзя поиграть в свободном режиме нет, думаю кто играл поймут почему), но для тех кто играет впервые конечно же советуется для прояснение истории Призрака.

В свете недавнего анонса о сиквеле (Shadow of War) думаю будет в тему.

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