Saving [Steam License]

  • Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor — Saving [Steam License]
  • 1645643298_middle-earth-shadow-of-mordor.rar
    Archive password: vgtimes
    Download 46.99 kB
Author: NurudinNr
Size: 46.99 kB
Uploaded by: NurudinNr
Date: February 23, 2022, 10:08 PM
Downloads: 501

Main game

Completed the main game

Lots of currency

All towers are forged

all abilities are upgraded

completed all tasks to save outcasts

Legends of the bow are all completed

The legends of the dagger are all completed

Survival tests passed

All items found

All artifacts found

One Sword Legend Quest and Hunting Challenge left


Completed the main game

Legend quests completed

All diaries found

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение [Лицензия Steam]

Основная игра

Пройдена основная игра

Много валюты

Все башни выкованы

все способности прокачаны

прйодены все задания по спасению изгоев

Легенды лука все пройдено

Легенды кинжала все пройдено

Испытания на выживание пройдено

Найдены все предметы

Найдены все артефакты

Осталось одно задание легенды меча и испытания охоты


Пройдена основная игра

Пройдены задания легенды

Найдены все дневники

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