Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is an add-on for the third-person fantasy action role-playing game Monster Hunter: World. It will add a new snowy region to the game... Read more
Dodogama Open Helmet

Dodogama Helm - Open Visor for Female Hunter. This small mod opens up the visor of Dodogama's helmet for female hunters. To install, copy the nativePC folder to the game directory.
Helmet options for women

High Metal Helm Variations for Female Hunter. This mod adds 5 new types of metal helmets to the game for female hunters. All models are made of excellent quality and have high detail. There are helmets with an open/closed visor and helmets with a hoo ...
Facial accessories

Monster Facial Features - Alatreon Facial Features Hair Mod. Modifies 22-1's hair and 22-2's hair to add some of Alatreon's facial features such as horns, ears and nose for the hunter (22-2 has a nose. 22-1 does not). To install, unpack the files fro ...