Mortal Kombat 1
The twelfth main installment of the brutal fighting game series — Mortal Kombat 1 — is a simultaneous continuation of Mortal Kombat 11 and the second reboot after... Read more
Ermak in a red mask

Changes the color palette of the first mask.
Custom mask for Ermak

Mask in the style of the game Mortal Kombat 9. Includes the 2nd variation without the red pattern.
Veil for Mileena

Replaces Mileena's standard New Age mask with a veil. To work you will need - MK12TTH - Mod Loader. How to run: unpack this path MK12/Content/Paks.
Milina without masks

Removes her masks, but the lack of mouth animation, unfortunately, cannot be fixed now. Works for skin 1. How to run: unpack to this path /Content/Paks.