Mortal Kombat 1
The twelfth main installment of the brutal fighting game series — Mortal Kombat 1 — is a simultaneous continuation of Mortal Kombat 11 and the second reboot after... Read more
Nitara in a black bikini

It was meant to recreate Megan Fox's iconic Transformers-era black bikini photoshoot.
Naked Tanya

He takes off Tanya's clothes. Replaces her standard outfit. Works online. To work you will need MK12TTH .
Naked Ashra

He takes off Ashra’s clothes. Replaces her standard outfit. Works online. To work you will need MK12TTH .
Scorpio shirtless

Removes Scorpio's shirt. How to run: unpack to this path /MK12/Content/Paks.
Smoke from the game Mortal Kombat 3

Replaces Smoke's second costume with the classic look from MK 3. How to run: unpack this path MK12/Content/Paks.
Classic Scorpion and Sub-Zero

Classic images of Scorpion and Sub-Zero from the game Mortal Kombat 2. How to run: unpack this path MK12/Content/Paks.
Reptile from the game Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Replaces the standard Reptile costume. How to run: unpack this path MK12/Content/Paks.
Ultra-realistic naked Mileena

Naked Mileena with two different body types.
Veil for Mileena

Replaces Mileena's standard New Age mask with a veil. To work you will need - MK12TTH - Mod Loader. How to run: unpack this path MK12/Content/Paks.
Naked Li Mei

Removes Li Mei's clothes. Replaces her standard outfit. Includes the ability to hide gloves. To work you will need MK12TTH . How to run: unpack this path MK12/Content/Paks.
Kitana's clothes from the game Mortal Kombat X

Kitana's "Tournament" outfit from Mortal Kombat X. Replaces Kitana's standard outfit. How to run: unpack this path MK12/Content/Paks.
Sindel in a bunny suit

Replaces the standard Singel costume with a bunny costume. How to run: unpack this path MK12/Content/Paks/LogicMods.
Sab-Ziro shirtless

Removes Sub-Zero's shirt. How to run: unpack Mortal Kombat 1/MK12/Content/Paks via this path.
Rain from the game Mortal Kombat 3

Rain in a classic costume from the game Mortal Kombat 3. How to run: unpack this path MK12/content/Paks.
Bald Smoke

Completely removes his completely inappropriate hairstyle and makes him bald and cool, it also makes it so his hair doesn't stick out when you use hooded clothing.