My Time at Portia
My Time at Portia is an action-adventure role-playing game with a third-person view and elements of a management simulator. You have to go to a colorful open world... Read more
Photo album
Photo Album. This mod allows you to add your own photos to a photo album. To add photos, place png, jpg or bmp files in the assets folder of this mod.
Cinema screen
Movie Screen. Adds a television component to an outdoor advertising sign. You can play game videos by having them in your inventory, or install the Television mod and place your own videos in that mod's assets folder.
Game manager
Game Manager. This mod allows you to configure the following variables for mini-games: Slots: - Rotation speed - Cost per spin - The amount of reward for the badge is Balloons: - Number of pools - Score for the revealed ball - Balloon - The amo ...
Changing inventory size
Inventory Resize. This mod allows you to set the total number of pages in a player's inventory from 3 to 100. It also allows you to unlock all inventory lines. There is also a button to instantly unlock all inventory slots.
Improved grill
Advanced Grill. This mod turns the grill into an advanced cooking station. The author added all the culinary recipes there.
Possibility to swim
Swim. This mod removes the auto-teleport to the ground when entering the water and allows you to swim. You can enable the swimming motion (still crude) or just disable water interaction entirely to walk on the sea floor. The game does not have swimmi ...
Graphics settings
Post Processing Effects. This mod offers advanced control over several post-processing graphical effects: Setting features: - Screen vignette (disable by setting intensity to 0) - Blur (disable by setting intensity to 0) - Eye adaptation - Motion ...