Preservation / Savegame (1%passed, all cars)

  • Need for Speed: Undercover — Preservation / Savegame (1%passed, all cars)
Author: Alexander_Vesker
Size: 165.13 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: March 29, 2018, 07:26 AM
Downloads: 887

All cars are in the game. They were added by the developers. But they are not on sale. More precisely, there are cars except Kopovsky. But there is no vinyl. Here are collected in the bosses from Most Wanted 2005, Carbon, Prostreet, Mazda Mia from NFS MW 2005. The game has been passed by 1% not passed on all cars. Preservation is created manually. Yes, there is a similar sail, but study the description carefully and notice the difference

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Сохранение / SaveGame (Пройдено 1%, все машины)

Все машины есть в игре. Их добавили разработчики. Но в продаже их нет. Точнее машины есть кроме коповских. А вот с винилами нет. Тут собраны тачки боссов от Most Wanted 2005, Carbon, ProStreet, Mazda Mia из NFS MW 2005.Игра пройдена на 1% ни чего не пройдено можно гонять на всех тачках. Сохранение создано в ручную. Да тут есть похожий сейв но изучите внимательно описание и заметите разницу

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