Nioh 2: Complete Edition — the complete edition of the hardcore role-playing action game Nioh 2 with a third-person view in Japanese style... Read more
Armor Mix Recolor Something for Everyone. Changes the appearance of the following armor pieces: Head = Dreaming Demon Greathelm; breastplate = demon slayer breastplate; hands = mittens of the Ministry of Justice; pants = Hakama hunter's pants.
DOUJIKIRI's Color changing like bloodsucker. This mod replaces the standard color of dojikiri weapons with red. You will need high graphics settings to work.
White Shinobi Mix Recolor. Changes the appearance of the light black shinobi breastplate/pants/headdress and shinobi arms/legs to mostly white and some black. Available and works for both male and female characters!
Suzuka Chest and Pants (Skirt) Recolor. Changes the appearance of the Suzuki set's bib and pants from the original peach to a black/white/velvet combination. Added white option.
Boob sizes - Female Body Replacer. This mod undresses a female character. Includes 2 breast options. There may be trimming or other problems due to the increase in size.
FOG Disable V2 - No bloom - Shadow dehaze. Disables volumetric fog. Make sure both Motion Blur and Dynamic Reflections are turned off (a reboot may be required).2K/4K resolution is not supported.