No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky is an adventure simulator with a first-person view set in a futuristic environment. You will embark on the exploration of outer space and planets, some... Read more
Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 17.02.2025]
tablica-dlja-cheat-engine-upd-17-02-2025_1739954718_545749.rarDownload 22.99 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Functions and commands:Starship:
- Unlimited Starship Shields.
- Unlimited Launch Thruster.
- Unlimited Pulse Engine.
- Unlimited Hyper Drive.
- Zero Thermal Load (Heat) for Starship Photo Cannon.
- Hyper Cool Down Speed for Rocket Launcher (Madness?).
- Unlimited Jetpack Propulsion.
- Unlimited Jetpack Propulsion while underwater.
- Unlimited Run Stamina.
- Unlimited Health.
- Unlimited Environmental Suit.
- Unlimited Life Support.
- Unlimited Oxygen.
- Unlimited Exosuit Shields with Recharge.
- Unlimited Cloak (By Gear2ndGandalf).
- Unlimited Exocraft Boost.
- Unlimited Exocraft Fuel.
- Unlimited Exocraft Thruster.
- Unlimited Exocraft Mining Laser.
- Unlimited Mining Beam.
- One Shot Kills.
- Instant Mining (Normal Damage for Creatures) (Requested).
- No Mining Overheat.
- Unlimited Terrain Manipulator.
- Unlimited Blaze Javelin Ammo.
- Unlimited Bolt Caster Ammo.
- Unlimited Grenades with Reload.
- Unlimited Neutron Cannon Ammo (Requested).
- Instant Charge for Neutron Cannon (6 Shots) (Requested).
- No Bolt Caster Clip Reload.
- No Bolt Caster Overheat.
- No Topographic Scanner Recharge.
- Instant Identification for the Analysis Scanner (Requested).
- Unlimited Refiner Fuel.
- Refiner Consumes no Resources.
- Free Crafting — Uses no existing resources including Frigate Modules.
- Last Moved Item into Slot (Requested).
- Max out the items in your inventory, both ship and Exosuit, (Switch to do so) Turn script on and off as desired.
- Editable Pointers for: Units, Nanites and Quicksilver.
- Free Items with added Unit Boost of Item Units.
- Free Crafting for Items and Building. (You will need the resources to create them already though).
- No Technology Overloads (Install as many tech upgrades as you like).
Speed Multipliers:
- Ship Engine Speed (By BigJit901).
- Pulse Engine Speed (By BigJit901).
- Jetpack Speed (By BigJit901).
- Walk/Run Speed (By BigJit901).
How to run:
- Open "Cheat Engine";
- Click "Load" and select the table;
- Click "Select a process to open" and choose the desired process;
- Select the required option and check the box.
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