No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky is an adventure simulator with a first-person view set in a futuristic environment. You will embark on the exploration of outer space and planets, some... Read more
Old main menu background

Old Main Menu Background. Restores the main menu background image to what it was before the Waypoint update.
Quick cleaner

FastRefiners. A simple mod to speed up the operation of cleaners.
Disabling automatic saves

No Auto Saves. The Waypoint update brought a new feature called autosave. This is good for players as it saves anywhere at any time, even on your ship. But for modders like me who need to repeat the same steps from a given save point, or just players ...
Improved empty slots

Better Empty Slots. Improves the visibility of empty slots. The new Waypoint update brought new inventories, but I felt the empty slots were barely visible compared to the unpurchased ones. So this mod makes them stand out a bit and colors the vehicl ...
Interesting caves

Cave Overhaul 2022. Makes caves more interesting. This version should be a little easier on the GPU while still offering unique and different caves. This version doesn't change the terrain, I didn't see the point since Hello Games themselves changed ...
Dangerous meteor storms

Better Meteors Mod. Makes meteor storms more dangerous and more meteors will fall overall.
Live camera mode and disabling HUD

Live Action Camera Mode plus No HUD (BETA). The game will not pause in camera mode. The game will not display the interface. Works with all game modes (normal, survival, creative and permadeath).
Setting up the rigid frame of the fur

Mech Hardframe Customizing. Adds in-game customization for the mech's hard frame. Installation: Copy the PAK file to /GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS, create a MODS folder if it doesn't exist, and rename/delete the DISABLEMODS.TXT file if it exists.
Crashed ship distance modifier

Crashed Ship Distance Modifier. Adjusts the distance to the crashed ship when starting a new game. The default collision distance is 500 to 600u. This mod provides several alternative distances to choose from: 200 - 300у (minimum achievable distanc ...
Beautiful spaceships

REDMAS METAL SPACESHIPS. This mod does the following: - Adds shiny silver details to fighters and landing ships - Adds burnt paint pieces to fighter spaceships - Fresh shiny paint for the explorer spaceships - Adds golden details to Royale spaceship ...
More cave life

More Cave Spawns. Increases the spawn rate of underground and aquatic creatures that cannot be found. Or just get rid of them if you feel like it. This mod modifies the METADATA/SIMULATION/ECOSYSTEM/CreatureGenerationData.mbin file and will not work ...
Removing traces of spaceships

NO TRAIL NO SPEEDLINES. This mod removes the default spaceship tracks (while keeping the rest). This mod removes speed traces and speed effects. The result is cleaner pulse distortion.
Robotic biomes

Biomes Robotic Spawns. Robotic life forms appear more frequently in Empty Systems. The base chance of encountering these wonderful life forms in the original is 0.1. This mod increases this value to 0.6, so you are now more likely to stumble across t ...
Less fauna

Fewer Fauna. Significantly reduces the presence of planetary fauna throughout the galaxy. Fewer species - reduces the number of creatures on the planet by 90-95% Less fauna - reduces the spawn rate of creatures by 90%
Real black

True Black. Makes supposedly black paint really black. In detail: - Replaces fake black paint job with true black color for player, exocraft and cargo ship - Makes dark gray paint darker to make it more distinct than standard gray - Replaces 2 of ...