No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky is an adventure simulator with a first-person view set in a futuristic environment. You will embark on the exploration of outer space and planets, some... Read more
Silent extractor

Sound Proof Refiner. Makes noisy mineral extractors soundproof. Do you have a huge farm with several processors? Does the noisy sound of the refiner give you headaches? This mod will completely eliminate the sound of the refiner. The Lua script is ...
Free costume upgrades

Free Suit Upgrades. Makes exosuit slot upgrades free and repeatable. However, Free Suit Upgrades is what the name says, upgrading your exosuit costs nothing on the space station and there's no need to fly to countless different systems to upgrade sin ...
Free inventory upgrades

Free Ship - Multitool - Freighter Upgrades. Makes inventory updates for ships, multitools, and cargo ships free. The class of ships and multitools can also be freely upgraded. Ships and multitools can be upgraded on the space station. Slots will be f ...
Camera improvements

Camera Enhancements. A simple collection of camera fixes/tweaks. Turns on cameras: - Third person view; - Chamber of the Nautilon; - Minotaur's Chamber.
Buying everything from vending machines

Hypershop n Hypershop_Light. Purchasing nanites, technologies, improvements, materials, substances, items and food for units, mercury, nanites at space stations, smuggler stations and any trading terminals (including the base trading terminal). The m ...
Maximum inventory slots

Hyperstack n Techslot. This mod increases the stack to the maximum (9,999,999). Increases all main, technical and cargo slots to the maximum for all types of ships, cargo ships, weapons and adds the maximum number of slots for the player in the inven ...

Hyper-Hyperdrive. Travel straight across the galaxy from the edge to the center with a single hyperdrive. You can also move faster within sectors or an entire galaxy by pressing the turbo button.
Ray tracing shader

No Man's Sky RayTracing Shader. Path tracing, global illumination, improved environmental occlusion, screen space reflections, depth of field (switchable with DELETE/DEL key), color correction, fog/haze and backlighting.
More words

More Words. Increases the number of words that can be learned from NPCs, Knowledge Stones, Encyclopedias, Monoliths, and Atlas Orbs. All settings are fully configurable in the lua script. Reward amount for words: NPC: 2 Stone of Knowledge: 3 E ...
Dark interface

BG Dark UI. A simple texture replacement mod that allows you to use dark UI elements almost everywhere. Including custom menu background.
Quick Research

Quick Exploration. Helps you explore the fauna of any planet fairly quickly, increasing the spawn rate and distance of all life forms on planets, so those rare and unusual creatures that are hard to find shouldn't pose a problem for any explorer who ...
More terminals for costume upgrades

More Suit Terminal Upgrades. Additional suit terminal upgrades allow you to purchase more than one suit upgrade at space stations, space anomalies, and outlaw space stations. Manual installation: Drag the PAK file into the MODS folder. The MODS ...
Mercury missions

Quicksilver Missions. This mod will add quicksilver rewards to regular Nexus missions, space station mission boards, and Outlaw Masters. Starting from version 1.3, all settings are fully configured in the lua script. Installation: 1 Drag the PAK ...
Reward multiplier for daily Mercury missions

Quicksilver Daily Mission Reward Multiplier. This mod multiplies the mercury rewards for daily and weekly Nexus missions. As of version 1.3, daily and weekly multipliers can now be adjusted separately. Installation: 1 Select which multiplier you ...
Procedural glow of a multitool

Multitool Procedural Glow. Adds procedural color to the glowing parts of the multitool. Description: Even though the multitool is the most complex model in the game, one aspect of the tool that was ignored is the yellow-green glow that is common ...