Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 06/03/2020]

  • Noita — Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 06/03/2020]
Author: cfemen
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Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: June 4, 2020, 01:16 AM
Downloads: 848

Regenerate HP:- Restore HP




God Mode - God Mode

-no damage or damage effects — you can’t die

Full Health - Full health

-Health will be filled at max, you can still die on some special enemies or too much damage

One Hit Kill - Kill quickly

Inf Ammo - Ammo

Inf Mana - Mana

Instant Recharge - Instant recharge

Inf. Levitate — Quickness

Inf Potion - Potion

Gold Heals - Gold heals

-activate script and set amount

-gold now heals on pickup

-default heal amount is 5

Gold Pointer - Pointer gold

Ignore Gold - Ignore gold

-you can buy anything regardless of your gold amount

Free Perk Roll - Free perk roll

-you can roll as often you want the perks in the tempel

Status. Mod

-Give Status — Give status

activate and choose a status effect from the list, you can select more than 1

you may have to gain 1 effect first before the custom change gets accepted(e.g touch water, hurt yourself to blood)

status effects that uses a transform will reset the "had a effect" status and you need to trigger it again.

-Remove All Status Effects - Remove all status effects

removes every status effect except the chosen ones from Give Status

Debug Flag — Debug flag

[HotKey F1]

it activates "edit wands everywhere"

and you have a big list of spells now in inventory

equip spells with doubleclick

Toggle Fog -

-as title says [HotKey F3]


Perk Spawn Mod:

copy the Perk Spawn folder into Noita\mods

launch the game and activate the "CFE - Perk Spawner" mod

start a new game and now almost every perk will spawn.

note : if you pickup a perk then ALL perks will disappear!

save the game and load the savegame = all perks will spawn again

or you can use the Return Key — Respawn Perks [Debug] script — press return(2 times) and all perks will respawn at the player position

Startup process:

1. Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table

2. "Select a process to open", select the desired process.

3. Select the desired option and check the box.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 03.06.2020]

Regenerate HP:- Восстановить HP




God Mode — Режим бога

-no damage or damage effects — you cant die

Full Health — Полное здоровье 

-Health will be filled at max, you can still die on some special enemys or too much damage

One Hit Kill — Убить быстро

Inf Ammo — Патроны

Inf Mana — Мана

Instant Recharge — Мгновенная перезарядка

Inf. Levitate — Расторопность

Inf Potion — Зелье

Gold Heals — Золото лечит

-activate script and set amount

-gold now heals on pickup

-default heal amount is 5

Gold Pointer — Указатель золото

Ignore Gold — Игнорировать золото

-you can buy anything regardless of your gold amount

Free Perk Roll — Бесплатный перк ролл

-you can roll as often you want the perks in the tempel

Status. Mod

-Give Status — Дать статус

activate and choose a status effect from the list, you can select more than 1

you may have to gain 1 effect first before the custom change gets accepted(e.g touch water, hurt yourself to blood)

status effects that uses a transform will reset the "had a effect" status and you need to trigger it again.

-Remove All Status Effects — Удалить все статусные эффекты

removes every status effect except the choosen ones from Give Status

Debug Flag — Флаг отладки

[HotKey F1]

it activates "edit wands everywhere"

and you have a big list of spells now in inventory

equip spells with doubleclick

Toggle Fog -

-as title says [HotKey F3]


Perk Spawn Mod:

copy the Perk Spawn folder into Noita\mods

launch the game and activate the "CFE — Perk Spawner" mod

start a new game and now almost every perk will spawn.

note : if you pickup a perk then ALL perks will disappear!

save the game and load the savegame = all perks will spawn again

or you can use the Return Key — Respawn Perks [Debug] script — press return(2 times) and all perks will respawn at the player position

Процесс запуска:

1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу

2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.

3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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