Enhanced View Preset

Enhanced Look Preset. Reshade preset that enhances visual effects.
Classic running and health system

Outlast Classic Run and Health System. This mod brings back the old mechanics from Outlast 1. Features: - Running speed is always 450 (in the original version, sprint was 650) - No stamina - Now your health is restored automatically - Useless band ...
Trainer (+4) [1.0]
Author: Abolfazl.k Edition: Steam Game Version: Latest Trainer Language: English Number of Functions: 4 Trainer Creation Date: 02/11/2021 Functions: Numpad 1: Health Numpad 2: Stamina Numpad 3: Batteries Numpad 4: First aid kit
Trainer (+7) from 01/09/2021 [WeMod]
Trainer creation/update date: 01/09/2021 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 7 During the gameplay, we press the necessary keys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. It may work on a pirated version of the game. Attention: ...
Trainer (+7) [Steam 03/21/2019] [LIRW/GHL]
Trainer functions: 1) Endless life. 2) Infinite camera charging. 3) Infinite stamina. 4) Endless batteries. 5) Endless bandages. 6) Invisibility. 7) Remove camera backlight limitation.
Trainer (+7) [Steam 03/31/2018] [LIRW/GHL]
Trainer functions: 1) Endless life. 2) Infinite camera charging. 3) Infinite stamina. 4) Endless batteries. 5) Endless bandages. 6) Invisibility. 7) Remove camera backlight limitation.
Trainer (+5) [1.0.17517.0] [dR.oLLe]
Author : dR.oLLe Edition : Steam Version : Latest Language : Eng/Ger Functions : 5 Release date : 01/14/2018 Hotkeys and trainer capabilities: - Numpad 1 — Besk. Camera Power (Inf. Cam Power) - Numpad 2 — Immortality (Inf. Health) - N ...
Trainer (+7) [Steam] [LIRW/GHL]
Trainer functions: 1) Endless life. 2) Infinite camera charging. 3) Infinite stamina. 4) Endless batteries. 5) Endless bandages. 6) Invisibility. 7) Teleport.
Trainer (+6) [1.0.17517.0] [Update 07/02/2017] [64 Bit] [Baracuda]
Launch [Trainer] as (Administrator). For [Trainer] to work correctly, the game version must match the [Trainer] version, or vice versa, this is important. Start the game from the beginning, then [Trainer] or vice versa During the game, press the key ...
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100% on normal difficulty)
Played on CODEX versions, all missions completed! Throw here Game data is stored at %SystemDrive%\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\414700
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%)
Save for the game Outlast 2 — Game completed 100% — The game was completed on normal difficulty level — Continuing the game you will see the ending — You can also replay any of the six chapters (Exodus, Book of Job, Lamentations of Jeremiah, Bo ...
Outlast 2: Trainer (+4) [1.0 - Update 2] [FLiNG]
Author : FLiNG Edition : Steam Version : Latest Language : Eng Functions : 4 Release date : 05/21/2017 Hotkeys and trainer capabilities: - Numpad 1 — Immortality (Inf. Health) - Numpad 2 — Besk. Camera Power (Inf. Camcorder Power) - Nu ...
Trainer (+5) [1.0] [Kompyuterlab]
Author:>Kompyuterlab Edition: Steam Game Version: v.1.0 Trainer Language: English Number of Functions: 5 Trainer Creation Date: 04/26/2017 Hotkeys and trainer capabilities: Num1 - Infinite Health - infinite. health Num2 - Infinite Stamina - in ...
Trainer (+6) [CODEX] [LIRW / GHL] - Updated: 05/02/2017
Trainer functions: [F1] Infinite Life. [F2] Infinite Stamina. [F3] Infinite night vision device. [F4] Infinite batteries. [F5] Endless bandages. PS: On functions, there is a patch byte everywhere, not a write. That is, the subtraction is patc ...
Outlast 2: Trainer for immortality, stamina, invisibility, endless batteries and camera / Trainer (+5) [1.0] [dR.oLLe]
Author : dR.oLLe Edition : Steam Version : 1.0 Language : Eng/Ger Functions : 5 Release date : 04/27/2017 Hotkeys and trainer capabilities: - Numpad 1 — Besk. Camera Power (Inf. Cam Power) - Numpad 2 — Immortality (Inf. Health) - Nump ...