Outward is a survival role-playing game with third-person perspective in a fantasy setting. As a novice adventurer, you will go to a large, endless world where... Read more
Outward is a survival role-playing game with third-person perspective in a fantasy setting. As a novice adventurer, you will go to a large, endless world where various monsters and robbers will be waiting for you. There are four factions to choose from, each with their own history and ideology. In addition to the routine obligations of a new hero, you also need to take care of food, water and proper rest. If you do not take care of shelter in advance, you may well wake up in the forest, stripped to the skin.
System requirements and PC test
- Windows 7
- CPU: Intel Core i5-750
- RAM: 4 GB
- Free Space: 15 GB
- Video Card: Nvidia GTS 450
- Keyboard, Mouse
- Windows 7
- CPU: Intel Core i5-2400
- RAM: 8 GB
- Free Space: 15 GB
- Video Card: Nvidia GTX 960
- Keyboard, Mouse
Reviews and ratings
The game is good, something like Sols like, are you being killed at every turn? This is fine! If you are in full gear, the best in the game, you will be killed not in 1 hit, but in 2, the game is definitely top
Игра хороша что то вроде солс лайк тебя убивают на каждом шагу? Это нормально! Если ты будешь в фул еквипе лучшем в игре тебя убьют не за1 удар а за целых 2 игра однозначно топ
Open world, good combat system (easy to learn, hard to master), different storylines (to choose from), no need to grind for days, etc. One of the best games I've played.
Відкритий світ, хороша бойова система (легко навчитись, важко стати майстром), різні сюжетні лінії (на вибір), не потрібно днями гріндити тощо. Одна з найкращих ігор, які я грав.