Planet Zoo is a zoo simulator from the creators of Planet Coaster, Elite Dangerous and Jurassic World Evolution, in which you will manage a zoo... Read more
(1.8) Golden Pheasant - New Species. Add the beautiful golden pheasant to your zoos! This time there are also albinos! The male is multi-colored and the female is just a silver morph (so just white!). Features: - Like the previous long-tailed phe ...
Bongo male remaster (1.6). This small but very useful mod remakes the already awesome male bongo from the base game into a more realistic version. Better, highly detailed textures have been added and some external changes have been made.
(1.7) New Species - Finnish Forest Reindeer. This rare subspecies of deer has found its place in your hearts and in your zoo as a new species. To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided ...
(1.8) Lady Amherst's pheasant — New species. Add the beautiful Lady Amherst Pheasant to your zoo! I tried to make the tail look as decent as possible, although there is still some notch between the tail feathers. Please note that during some animatio ...
(1.8) Cabot's Tragopan — New species. Add this species of tragopan to your zoos! This is the second type of Tragopan I have created, the first being Temminck. Both can of course be placed together if you wish. I'll likely do a satyr species soon sinc ...
(1.7) New Species - Giant Muntjac. Adds the mysterious Giant Muntjac as a new species to the game! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files! Thank you so much for checking out t ...
(1.7) New Species - Green Peafowl. Adds the dazzling green peacock to the game as a new species! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files! Thank you so much for checking out thi ...
(1.8) Blood Pheasant - New species. Add this unique pheasant to your zoos! - The zoopedia map is currently incorrect. - As usual, until a fix is found, they walk around with a hunchback! - The legs are questionable, I’ll retouch them at some poin ...
(1.7) Sand Cat - New Species. This mod adds a small sand cat to the game. It has excellent textures and good detail. Fits into the atmosphere of the game. To install, place the downloaded files in the ovldata folder.
No Building Grid (1.7). Turns all mesh parts into non-mesh parts, allowing you to freely place and rotate roofs, walls, etc., so you don't need more than 10+ building groups when you want to build something that doesn't have all 90° angles. This mod ...
(1.8) Himalayan Monal - New species. Add a Himalayan Monal to your zoo! Current known issues include: - The zoopedia map is still incorrect. - The female has a smooth texture on one side that never seems to go away! - It's so hard to find a good ...
(1.8) Beluga Sturgeon - New Species. Add the largest freshwater fish and one of the largest bony fish to your game! This is not a whale, or a sturgeon, this is a beluga! The model is taken from the game Nintendo's Endless Ocean.
FreeBuild - Expanded Building (1.7). Disables the "Obstacle" restriction during construction. Only for tracks, tracks and barriers for now - more in the future. Expands terrain tools. Possibilities: Ways - Paths can go through any obstacles (other ...
(1.7) California Quail - New species. Add this quail to your zoos as a new species, perfect for any desert aviary! I'm much happier with this, but there are still some issues to look out for: - Zoopedia image is not showing yet. - Some animations ...
Fossa - New Species (1.7). Includes complete zoopedia, animal research and full play functionality for males, females and cubs. Download the file, extract it and place the folder in your Steam library via: /steamapps/common/Planet Zoo/win64/ovldata.