Planet Zoo is a zoo simulator from the creators of Planet Coaster, Elite Dangerous and Jurassic World Evolution, in which you will manage a zoo... Read more
(1.6) New Species - Red-Footed Tortoise. Introducing to you all the first of many - the red-footed turtle in all its vibrant glory as a new species! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the pr ...
Bukharan Markhor - New Species (1.6). Add the magnificent Bukhara Winebuck to your zoos as a new species! The Bukhara goat is one of three subspecies of the wine goat and is the most commonly found in captivity. Markhor, also known as the markhor, is ...
(1.6) New Species - Black and White Ruffed Lemur. Adds the black and white lemur as a new species! Dazzle your lemur habitat with this gorgeous new addition! Based on the red-finned lemur, uses the same enrichment items and habitats.
Bactrian Camel Fluffy Remaster (1.6). Changes the appearance of the Bactrian Camel to the fluffy domesticated Bactrian Camel, which is very common in zoos. Includes 5 color options for your choice.
Eastern Chipmunk - New Species (1.6). The Chipmunk is the first new species created using the Africa Pack model and has joined your zoo roster! Includes complete zoopedia, animal research and full play functionality for males, females and children.
(1.6) New Species - Beluga Whale. This mod adds the beluga as a new species to your zoos. To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files!
Phontastic Invertebrates - Exhibit Animal Retexture Pack. This mod provides a redesigned look for all 11 invertebrates in the base Planet Zoo game, ranging from minor to major changes to make your show animals more detailed and realistic.
Yellow-Throated Marten - New Species (1.6). Adds the largest marten in the Old World to your zoo! Includes complete zoopedia, animal research and full play functionality for males, females and children.
Southern Tamandua - New Species (1.6). Add a Southern Tamandua, Collared Anteater or Lesser Anteater to your zoo. Includes complete zoopedia, animal research and full play functionality for males, females and cubs.