Planet Zoo is a zoo simulator from the creators of Planet Coaster, Elite Dangerous and Jurassic World Evolution, in which you will manage a zoo... Read more
This animal is based on pygmy hippopotamus and will use enrichment and food products of this species. How to start? unpack to this path steamapps/common/Planet Zoo/win64/ovldata.
This mod remasters the polar bear to make it more realistic and unique compared to other bears, and also adds completely new options to adapt it to different zoo environments.
This mod adds the Algonquian wolf (Eastern wolf), a species whose taxonomy is still debated, but appears to be distinct from gray wolves and red wolves. Includes option with darker markings. This mod requires ACSE.
This strange-looking lemur with nocturnal habits is distinguished by its gremlin-like appearance and the long fingers it uses to pluck larvae from trees. Based on the black and white rufous lemur. Uses his enrichment items.
This mod adds Nyassa, or Johnston's wildebeest, a magnificent subspecies from the grasslands of East Africa. This animal is based on the blue wildebeest and will only use enrichment and habitat elements originally designed for it.
Adds the mysterious Ross seal, one of the world's most obscure pinnipeds. This animal is based on the gray seal and will benefit from the enrichment and food of this species.
Horse from Norway. When children are born, they will scale with age until they mature. This animal is based on the wild Przewalski's horse and will only use the enrichment and habitat elements originally intended for it.
A new species has appeared at the zoo - the Egyptian chicken Fayumi. This animal is based on the Indian Peacock and will only use the enrichment and habitat elements originally designed for it.
The common eland came to the zoo as a new species. This animal is based on the Sable Antelope and will only use the enrichment and habitat elements originally designed for it.
The Liechtenstein Hartbeest, a fine example of hoofed cattle, is added as a new species. When children are born, they will scale with age until they mature. This animal is based on the Sable Antelope and will only use the enrichment and habitat elem ...
Muller's gibbon, also known as the southern gray gibbon, has become a new species. When children are born, they will scale with age until they mature. This animal is based on the Siamang, and will only use the enrichment and habitat elements origina ...
Adds a new species to the game - the painted stork, a tall, colorful wading bird from Asia. This mod includes hand sculpted normals, improved wings, and custom signage.
When children are born, they scale with age until they reach maturity. Authentic and well-researched information fully corresponds to the knowledge about animals in Zoopedia. Specially designed to educate guests, with beautiful pictures of the anima ...