Project Zomboid
A zombie apocalypse is about to occur in the world of Project Zomboid. So far, humanity has not understood what happened, but the houses still have water and... Read more
Don't go through that window

Prevents a character from climbing through a broken window when you click on the window frame. Clicking on a window with broken glass will now remove the broken glass (but only if the character has the item equipped). Does not prevent the character ...
Alternative balance

Quick rebalancing of professions and stat costs. The main goal is to make the random characters more uniform and interesting.
Zooming in on the camera

A modification that allows you to zoom in and out of the camera. Thanks to it, you can better see the terrain and notice the smallest objects that are scattered throughout the levels. How to run: go to the steam library and go to the section /P ...
Possibility to repair a car

Adds the ability to repair cars to the game. This will require resources to be found in the open world, as well as appropriate skills.
Crafting and recycling system

Adds to the game the ability to disassemble unnecessary items and make melee weapons from the resulting resources: axes, swords or knives. In addition, it becomes possible to store food dry. This way you can extend its shelf life.
Additional gameplay features

This mod expands the game's capabilities. You can break open doors and windows with a crowbar, make spears from mops, open canned food with screwdrivers, attach a flashlight to your belt, and much more. And, for example, pieces of pie will not only ...
Real immune system

A modification that complicates the healing process. The medications you take will allow antibodies to gradually develop. Symptoms of the disease will not go away immediately, but gradually. How to run: unpack this path Zomboid/mods.
Free skill upgrades

With one click of the left mouse button on a skill, you can increase it to at least the maximum value. How to run: unpack to this path C:/Users/ComputerName/Zomboid/mods/.
Free crafting

A cheat mod that allows you to get any item. Moreover, the modification can be useful not only for fans of dishonest games. There are situations when you urgently need a specific resource, but there is no time or opportunity to look for it. the ...
Throwable items

This mod allows you to convert tons of items into throwable variants that can be used to distract and attack zombies, break windows, etc. Full list of throwable items: All bottles, jars, mugs, cups, plates, etc.; All stones; All sports bal ...

This mod allows you to camouflage yourself using zombie corpses, making it difficult to spot and chase zombies. To work, you just need to right-click on the corpse and select “Use Camouflage”. It will then take your character a while to do this, but ...
Branch stacker

A simple stacking mod that allows you to create stacks of branches. You can create stacks of 5, 10, 25 and 50 pieces. Smaller stacks can be combined into larger ones, and stacks can be separated from larger to smaller. The weight of the stack is bas ...
Log stacker

A simple log stacking mod that allows you to create stacks of 5 and 15 logs. Additionally changes the weight of the base log in the game to 2.5 pounds (or any other unit of measurement), instead of the standard 9 per piece; the weight of the log sta ...
Hydrocraft (v11.1) + Russifier

Adds various elements, improvements, and new materials to the game that will help players immerse themselves even more in the sandbox. The purpose of creating the mod was to add maximum opportunities to the game for players. There are more than 2000 ...