Quake 3: Arena
Quake 3: Arena is a cult multiplayer shooter with a first-person view. The game does not have a single-player story campaign (there is a mode where the player... Read more
the gameplay is just wow. The graphics are soapy, although at that time half-life and unreal had already been released, but they were also ok. The plot? Fuck the plot, this is a shooter from id software and not half life 2, but still I needed to evaluate the plot. Control "WASD Space LMB" is all. Music without commentary. The multiplayer is monotonous (capture the flags, team play and classic deathmatch), even though tf1 and cs 16 with unreal tournamen were released at this time. Localization .
геймплей просто вау. Графика мыльная хоть на то время вышли уже half-life и unreal но тоже норм.Сюжет? В ж***у сюжет это шутер от id software а не half life 2 но все же мне нужно было оценить сюжет. Управление "WASD Space лкм" все. Музыка без коментарии. Мультиплеер однообразный(захват флагов, командная игра и классический deathmatch) хоть в это время вышли tf1 и cs 16 c unreal tournamen. Локолизация .