Red Faction: Guerrilla
Red Faction: Guerrilla is a third-person action game with a touch of shooter from the studio Volition, Inc.. The main publishers of the game are THQ Inc. and... Read more
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%)

Saves are broken down step by step for each story mission. In the most recent save: - Completed all 104 partisan operations; - Important SOP buildings were destroyed (unnecessary SOP buildings found were also destroyed); - Found all radio tags hello ...
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100% with the Demons of the Badlands add-on)

All 104 partisan operations have been completed in the save. Important POP buildings were destroyed. All radio tags of hello and past 36 out of 36 have been found. All 300 out of 300 ore deposits have been developed. Over 250 boxes of POPs were destr ...
Save / SaveGame (Step-by-step 27 saves + walkthrough)

The archive "save_rfg_condemned123.7z" contains step-by-step saves. Completed the story. The additions are almost untouched. There are a total of 27 phased checkpoints.