Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 is a re-release of the classic action-horror Resident Evil 2 (1998) from 1998 with a third-person perspective. The events of the sequel unfold two... Read more
James Sunderland from the game Silent Hill 2

Replaces Leon with James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2.
Ardyn Izunia (FFXV) Non-RT

Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy XV replaces Leon (Non-RT).
Sable Ward

Replaces Claire in the standard outfit with Sable Ward from the game Dead By Daylight.
Rinoa instead of Ada

Rinoa Hertilli (FF8) as Ada. Included for both versions (Non-RT) and (RT) This file includes hair and body physics and facial expressions.
Ultimecia instead of Claire

Ultimecia from the game Final Fantasy 8. Replaces Claire. Includes 2 versions RT and No RT.
Ultimecia instead of Ada

Ultimecia from Final Fantasy 8 replaces Ada. Includes 2 versions RT and Non-RT. Replaces a cocktail dress and trench coat.
Rinoa from the game Final Fantasy 8

Replaces Claire's classic costume. Non RT version.
Skuol from the game Final Fantasy 8

Replaces Leon in police uniform. Non-RT version.
Morningstar Lillian

Lillian is a member of the Morningstar gang in Saints Row 3.
Shao Kahn from the game Mortal Kombat (not RT)

Replacing Tyrant with Shao Kahn. This mod does not work with the new Ray Tracing updates.
Claire Redfield from the game Fortnite

Replaces Claire with her model from the game Fortnite.
Evie Fry (Victorian set) instead of Claire

Evie Frye from AC: Syndicate.
Claire with big breasts

This mod enlarges Claire's breasts for the standard outfit.
Slime instead of dogs

Slimer over Dog. This mod replaces dogs with Lizun from the movie “Ghostbusters.
Doll from the series “Squid Game”

YoungHee X (Squid Game). This mod replaces Mr. X with a huge doll from the Squid Game series.