Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 is a re-release of the classic action-horror Resident Evil 2 (1998) from 1998 with a third-person perspective. The events of the sequel unfold two... Read more
Leon with Claire's hair

Leon has Claire's Hair (Physics) - ShinyRoseMods. This mod replaces Leon's default hairstyle with the one Claire uses. Includes physics of hair behavior.
Pumpkin X

Pumpkin X. This mod replaces Mr. X with a Halloween pumpkin.
Soldier from the game RE Village

Wolf Squad Canine. Play as Kanin from Wolf Squad, who was featured in Resident Evil Village.
Dokkaebi from the game "R6: Siege"

Dokkaebi over Claire (Non-RT). Replace Claire's model (jacket) with Dokkaebi's model from R6: Siege.
Animation of Claire from PS 1

RE2 - Claire normal walking pistol animation. Claire walks/runs using classic PS1 animations.
Naked Claire

My Nude Claire - ShinyRoseMods. This mod strips Claire completely and adds a high poly mesh to her body.
Eileen Galvin from the game Silent Hill 4: The Room

Eileen Galvin (Remastered) (Claire). This mod replaces Claire Redfield with Eileen Galvin from Silent Hill 4: The Room. To fully play as Eileen, you need to wear Claire's classic top. Otherwise, you'll notice that Eileen's neck is cut off in the midd ...
Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 10/07/2022]
![Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 10/07/2022]](
max pouch slots — maximum number of slots for pouches Tyrant goes down in 1 Shot - Tyrant goes down with 1 shot No Recoil - No recoil No Spread - No bullet spread Unlock Everything - Unlock everything Startup process: Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and ...
Leon in Hunk's clothes

Leon USS Gear (Hunk Gear). Replaces the standard police and police (injured) clothes for Leon with Hunk's clothes. The mod has functioning holsters, no more floating pistols between your legs. Install this path modmanager/Games/RE2R/Mods.
People of Rakoto

Elodie Rakoto (DX11). Replaces all of Claire's outfits with Elodie Rakoto from Dead By Daylight. There are 8 costumes in total. Face animation. Not all outfits have hair physics. Sometimes the wrists bend a little strangely.
Silver Sable instead of Claire

Silver Sable over Claire. Replace Claire with Silver Sable. Added custom coat and hair physics.
Yoon-Jin Lee from Dead By Daylight

Yun-Jin Lee Mod pack (DX11). Replaces all of Claire's outfits with Yun-Jin Lee from Dead By Daylight. Features: - Full facial animation. - Physics of hair. - There are 8 costumes in total.
Spider-Man instead of Leon

Hybrid Suit. Hybrid suit from the game Spider-Man Remastered. Replaces Sheriff Arklay Leon's outfit only until the RT update.
Denim skirt for Claire (RT compatible)

Denim Skirt for Claire (RT Compatible). Swap Claire's jeans for a denim miniskirt. This mod works with both the new Ray Tracing update and non-RT versions.
Holly from the game Back 4 Blood

Holly (Back 4 Blood). Holly from Back 4 Blood instead of Claire Noir. Not RT. Move the rar file to modmanager/Games/RE2R/Mods, launch the manager and install.