Resident Evil 4 (2005)
Continuation of the action-horror adventure with a third-person view in the Resident Evil series. The story of the fourth part takes place in 2004, six years after... Read more
Dragonbro armor from Dark Souls 2

RE4 UHD Dragonbro From Dark Souls 2. This mod replaces Leon's regular outfit with Dragonbro from Dark Souls 2. There are some visual bugs, but it shouldn't crash the game.
King from the game Tekken 3

RE4UHD King Replaces Leon (Work-In-Progress). This is a work-in-progress mod that places King in Resident Evil 4.
Improved lighting

Resident Evil 4 - Reshade. First install reshade (use v.5.0.2) and rtgi shader, then move my ini files to the game folder. Don't forget to disable aa in the game settings. Versions: - Low depth of field (LA) - Without depth of field (NA) - Origina ...
Bati instead of Leon

RE4UHD mod bati replace leon. Update v2 fixes a crash issue when the sniper rifle is equipped with an infrared scope. Please note that this mod is only for the re4uhd version. Please note that this mod only supports original games.
Project HD

Resident evil 4 HD project. This is not a remake, it's a remaster made by fans for fans. This is a complete graphical remaster of the entire game. It includes enhanced textures, 3D models, menus, cutscenes, pre-rendered videos, lighting, visual effec ...
Naked Ada instead of Leon

AdaNude replace Leon with stockings. A naked Ada in stockings replaces Leon in the main campaign. Breast physics included.
Nero works instead

Nero Claudius (Fate Extella Link). Nero will replace Ashley (all costumes). To apply this mod, simply place the folders (ogg & xfile) in the RE4 directory that has "game.exe" in it. Confirm the replacement and you're done. ...
Kagura is a cowboy instead of Leon

RE4UHD mod Kagura cowboy replace leon. This mod replaces Leon with Kagura. Please note that this mod is only for the re4uhd version.
A short skirt works

Ashley Shorter Skirt (UHD). We all know Ashley's skirt is too long. So the author released a patch to fix this. To install, simply copy the files from the mod folder to your RE4 Steam directory (don't forget to back them up first!).
Artoria (Fate Extella Link)

Artoria (Fate Extella Link). Artoria will replace Krauser (boss). Her voice is included. To apply this mod, simply place these folders (em, ogg and xfile) in the RE4 directory that contains game.exe. Confirm the replacement and you're done. ...
2B instead of Leon

RE4UHD 2b replace leon. This mod replaces Leon with 2B from the game Nier Automata. Please note that this mod is only for the re4uhd version.
Jen from the anime Sea Breeze Dandelion

Jean (Sea Breeze Dandelion). Jen replaces Leon (in a regular suit and vest). To apply this mod, simply place these folders (em, ogg and xfile) in the RE4 directory that contains game.exe. Confirm the replacement and you're done. ...
Mizuki Shiranui replaces Leon

RE4UHD Mizuki Shiranui Bunny Girl replace leon. This mod replaces Leon with Mizuki Shiranui in a bunny costume. Please note that this mod is only for the re4uhd version.
Onisaki Kirara replaces Leon

RE4 UHD mod Onisaki Kirara replace leon. This mod replaces Leon with Onisaku Kirara. Please note that this mod is only for the re4uhd version.
Alice instead of Leon

RE4UHD Alice replace leon. This mod replaces Leon with Alice in anime style.