Resident Evil 4 Remake: Separate Ways
Story expansion for Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023), where the main character is the spy Ada Wong. Ada Wong receives a mission in the village (long before the US... Read more
Ela Bosak

Replaces Ada with Ela Bosak from the game Rainbow Six Siege.
Megan Fox instead of Ady

Replaces Ada with Megan Fox from the movie Jennifer's Body.
Ada with Laesel hairstyle

Hair includes physics and everything else.
Jessica Riley from the game Until Dawn

This mod replaces Ada (default dress) with Jessica Riley from Until Dawn. Several options included. Includes hair physics and full facial animation.
Ada with Shadowheart hairstyle

Hair includes physics and everything else.
Morrigan instead of Ady

Replaces Ada with Morrigan from the game Darkstalkers.
Long hair for Ada

Wilhelmina's hairstyle from the game Dragon's Dogma 2.
Heather Mason instead of Ada

Replaces Ada with Heather Mason from the game "Silent Hill 3". The set includes 2 options: a complete replacement or just clothes.

Replaces Ada with Trinity from the movie "The Matrix". With breast physics support.
Eve's hairstyle from the game DMC5 for Ada

Replaces Ada's hair with Eve's hair from DMC5.
Ada with Mia's hair

Replaces Ada's default hairstyle with Mia's hairstyle from RE Village.
Hair 2B for Ada

This mod replaces Ada's default hairstyle with 2B's hairstyle. The set includes 2 versions: with and without a mask.
2B instead of Ada

This mod replaces Ada with 2B from the game Nier: Automata. The mod includes her outfits without the skirt and Kane, as well as full facial animation and an addon that removes her mask. Also included are replacement images for the Separate Ways menu ...
Ada's classic hairstyle

Replaces Ada's hairstyle (without the streaks) with a style that is very similar to her appearance from the original Resident Evil 4.
Judy from Cyberpunk 2077 instead of Ada

Replaces Ada with Judy. Custom physics are also included. Doesn't work with hair strands included. Disconnect the hair strands.