Save (Completely completed the game, a lot of money, all weapons, all treasures, costumes, bonuses)

  • Resident Evil 5 — Save (Completely completed the game, a lot of money, all weapons, all treasures, costumes, bonuses)
Size: 5.13 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: December 22, 2019, 03:03 PM
Downloads: 3536

The game has been completely completed, you can continue by selecting new game+, there is a lot of money in the inventory, all weapons have been purchased and equipped with the best equipment, all treasures have been collected, all costumes have been opened, all bonuses have been purchased, all additional figures have been purchased.

Move the 3DMGAME folder from the archive (C:/R.G. Catalyst/Resident Evil 5 - Gold Edition/3DMGAME)

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение (Полностью пройдена игра, много денег, всё оружие, все сокровища, костюмы, бонусы)

Полностью пройдена игра можно продолжить выбрав новая игра+, в инвентаре много денег, куплено всё вооружение и экипированы уже лучшим снаряжением, собраны все сокровища, открыты все костюмы, куплены все бонусы, все дополнительные фигурки.

Переместить из архива папку 3DMGAME-(C:/R.G. Catalyst/Resident Evil 5 — Gold Edition/3DMGAME)

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