Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [Steam]

  • Resident Evil: Revelations — Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [Steam]
  • Resident Evil: Revelations — Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [Steam]
  • Resident Evil: Revelations — Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [Steam]
  • Resident Evil: Revelations — Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [Steam]
  • Resident Evil: Revelations — Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [Steam]
  • Resident Evil: Revelations — Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [Steam]
  • Resident Evil: Revelations — Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [Steam]
Author: BaGa-HaCkEr
Size: 372.08 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: January 23, 2018, 12:13 AM
Downloads: 609

The game was completed on Hard difficulty with a final rank of S (New Game+ is available with a choice of difficulty).

The "Raid" mode is completed 100%, all missions are completed with a final rank of S.

In the "Raid" mode, a real imbue is available - an automatic Colt Python that does not need to be reloaded!

Reached the maximum level in the "Raid" mode.

All Parts and Weapons in the main company (including secret ones) have been collected.

All handprints have been scanned.

All Monsters have been scanned.

Installation: from the unzipped archive, move all files and completely replace them to the path Steam\userdata\Your ID\222480

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение / SaveGame (Игра пройдена на 100%) [Steam]

Игра пройдена на Тяжелом уровне сложности с итоговым рангом S (доступна Новая Игра+ с выбором сложности).

Режим "Рейд" пройден на 100%,все миссии пройдены с итоговым рангом S.

В режиме "Рейд",доступна настоящая имба — автоматический Colt Python,который не нуждается в перезарядке!

Прокачан максимальный уровень в режиме "Рейд".

Собраны все Детали и Оружие в основной компании (включая секретные).

Отсканированы все Отпечатки рук.

Отсканированы все Монстры.

Установка: из разархивированного архива,переместить все файлы с полной их заменой по пути Steam\userdata\Ваш ID\222480

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