Files for RimWorld / Weapons and grenades

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Expanded original weapons

Expanded original weapons
Author: Oskar Potocki, Trunken
Size: 4.80 MB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: July 2, 2021
Downloads: 1530
Comments: 0
Download Vanilla Weapons Expanded. Weapons are spread across the tech tree, allowing for realistic and time-consuming progression, making high-tech weapons even more useful. However, keep in mind that all weapons are perfectly balanced to match the original w ...


Author: Chicken Plucker
Size: 27.82 MB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: July 2, 2021
Downloads: 2503
Comments: 0
Download [CP] Rimmu-Nation - Weapons. This mod provides enough weapons from the modern era that allows an economic collapse to escalate into a full-scale civil war.